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1st U.S. R/C Flight School

1st U.S. R/C Flight School has been the world’s leading provider of professional radio controlled flight instruction for more than 25 years. During its accelerated four- and five-day training courses, the mission is to provide both new and experienced pilots the opportunity to learn to fly better and develop superior habits that allow them to more fully enjoy the rewards of RC flying.

The emphasis of the training is hands-on flight experience at the side of one of the world’s most experienced RC flight instructors, Dave Scott. Dave has successfully trained more than 1,700 pilots of all skill levels. Utilizing his building-block training system, pilots are taught to proactively control the airplane instead of reacting to it. Pilots attending 1st U.S. R/C Flight School receive a detailed preflight briefing before each flight, in which the lesson is explained in terms of what will be done, how to do it, and why it is done this way in order to maximize proficiency.
Once in the air, Dave draws from his experience pinpoint the cause of any mistakes and provide the remedy with minimal interruption in the student’s progress. No other source comes close to offering this level of experience and personal attention. The 1st U.S. R/C Flight School has a 98% solo success rate, while its aerobatic students routinely achieve in only days what traditionally takes years. Classes typically fill a year in advance and more than half of the people who take the solo course return to take an aerobatics course the following season. In addition to full-time professional R/C flight training, Dave Scott has written eight comprehensive flight training manuals covering all airplane and helicopter skill levels, as well as authored 100-plus training articles. When he isn’t teaching or writing, Dave is an active full-scale air show pilot and aerobatic competitor. For more information visit and