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AMA Jr. Camp V2 Hovercraft Project 5

Hovercraft Building Guide: A Step-by-Step Adventure

Objectives & Benefits:

  • Fine Motor Skills: Students will enhance their dexterity by handling various materials and connecting them with precision.
  • Critical Thinking: The challenge of torque during testing will stimulate problem-solving abilities and encourage innovative thinking.
  • Creative Hypothesis: An open-ended project allows students to explore and learn from the results, fostering a deeper understanding of physics.

Materials Needed:

  • Foam board with a body template or pre-cut flightpack board
  • Foam plate for the ring
  • Hot glue gun/glue or white glue
  • Large, flexible straw
  • Balloon
  • Quarter or washer
  • Scissors
  • Tape
  • Pencil

Physics in Action: Hovercraft defy the common frictional forces that typically slow down vehicles. By creating a cushion of air beneath them, hovercraft can glide smoothly over any surface. This principle is akin to an air hockey puck’s movement on a table. Hovercraft serve various purposes, from leisure to military applications.

Advanced Exploration: Your hovercraft is ready to soar! Consider enhancing it with an inflatable skirt to reduce friction further. Contemplate the materials, attachment methods, and operation of such a skirt. What benefits and drawbacks might it present?

Join us in this exciting journey of discovery and innovation with hovercraft building!"


  1. Assemble Your Toolkit: Ensure all materials are at hand. If you have a flight pack, proceed to step 3.
  2. Craft the Hull: Carefully cut the foam board into the hovercraft shape, avoiding any bends or creases.
  3. Create the Ring: Cut a foam plate into a circle using a quarter as a guide, then pierce the center with a pencil.
  4. Shape the Straw: Trim the flexible straw to form an angle and then cut the other end to match in length.
  5. Attach the Ring: Bend the straw, insert it through the ring, and secure with glue—hot glue for speed or white glue for strength.
  6. Seal the Balloon: Stretch the balloon over the ring to create an airtight seal.
  7. Prepare the Base: Scratch around the hole in the hovercraft base to help the glue adhere better.
  8. Secure the Straw: Glue the straw’s angled end to the base hole, ensuring a tight seal. Tape can be used for extra stability.
  9. Inflate and Test: Cut slots in a straw piece, roll it into a taper, and use it to inflate the balloon. Pinch the neck closed, place your hovercraft on a smooth surface, and release!


  • Surface Trials: Begin on a smooth surface for initial tests. Then, challenge your hovercraft on various terrains like carpet, water, or ice to discover where it excels and why.

Enjoy building and experimenting with your hovercraft! It’s not just about creating; it’s about understanding how physics brings your creation to life."

AMA Jr. Camp V2 Project 5 Video

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AMA Jr. Camp V2 Interview 5