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AMA Jr. Camp V2 Project 3

Jr. Camp V2 (2021), Project 3: Bernoulli Airfoil

Parental Guide: Flight Pack and DIY Assembly


  • Detailed assembly guides are provided for both the Flight Pack and the DIY model.
  • For safety, the use of a hair dryer or small fan is recommended for older students. Adult supervision is essential for younger students, especially when they are moving around.

Educational Objectives:

  • Fine Motor Skills: Assembling the airfoil will challenge students to plan and execute precise construction.
  • Fluid Dynamics: Explore the nature of fluids, their properties, and the practical applications of this knowledge.

Materials Needed:

  • Writing utensil
  • Pre-cut foam wing or cardstock
  • 1/4” dowel rod (18”)
  • Kite string
  • Tape
  • Scissors

Historical Insight: In 1738, Daniel Bernoulli’s principle revealed that an increase in fluid speed results in decreased pressure. This principle explains how airfoils generate lift: the curved upper surface accelerates airflow, creating lower pressure above the wing and higher pressure below, thus lifting the wing.

Advanced Exploration: Learn key terms like leading edge, trailing edge, chord line, camber line, and angle of attack. These concepts are vital for understanding how airfoils interact with air and influence flight dynamics.

Creative Experimentation: If space allows, extend your rod horizontally and move through a hallway or outdoors to test if your airfoil can achieve lift. For those not prone to dizziness, spin with your airfoil assembly. Observe the differences in behavior compared to stationary flight.

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AMA Jr. Camp V2 Project 3

AMA Jr. Camp V2 Interview 3

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